What did we all have in common? We were all due in January of 2001. Some of the babies joined us as early November - Bob brought up the rear as the last baby in February. We have shared joys, tragedies, loss of parents, loss of pregnancies, end of marriages, new beginning and even the birth of GRANDCHILDREN.
Today we found out we lost one of our own. Tree was an amazing constant in all of our lives...and a personal blessing to me. See Tree lived right outside of Vancouver, only a 45 minutes from where J grew up and my in-laws lived.
Tree and I first met in person in December of 2001, when J's dad was in full swing with his treatment for brain cancer. My new friend came to see us with her beautiful daughter Niamh and her husband at the time Dave. It was Shabbat, and we didn't get any pictures of that first visit - but it was a visit with a friend that felt like we had known each other forever...
Fast forward to September of 2002...
By this time Belle was born and we traveled to Vancouver more often as my FIL was loosing his battle. Tree was my island of peace as I was trying to juggle my two young children while trying to figure out how to support my husband during this time...Once again being with Tree was like being with a friend you have known all your life.
We spent the day together...and we became family....
By our third visit in July of 2003 we were all in...husbands and all!

And in 2004 Tree's 4 children and our 3 were all part of the posse...
Our last in person visit was August of 2006...which seems crazy to me - as it feels like yesterday.
After J's grandma passed we didn't go out to Vancouver as often. Each time we went out Tree and I talked between visits and during even when we couldn't get together. 2011's trip I was really worried about her...she didn't sound right, didn't ask if we could get together, it left me feeling uneasy.
But in 2013 she was sounding so much better. So.Much.Better. We couldn't make it out to visit her on that trip and I was relieved to hear her voice and really felt her joining me in our disappointment of not being able to meet up...she messaged me: "We'll get together again :). Am so glad you are having fun!"